M is for MEMORIES – latest novel out soon


My latest novel is finished and due to be published any day.  Entitled “M is for MEMORIES”, it is a mystery story is about a famous artist, Nancy Miller.  She has been persuaded by her agent to publish her memoirs but needs a ghost writer to help her write them.  She finds a young woman called Ana who is keen to take on the job.  However, as Nancy starts to recount her life story, it becomes obvious to Ana that the artist is hiding something, so she decided to dig more deeply to unravel the past.  When she eventually works out what Nancy’s terrible secret is, she does not know what to do with the information; should she include it in the book and risk ruining Nancy’s international reputation or should she tell Nancy’s son what she has discovered?  Either way the consequences threaten to be devastating for Nancy and her family.

The novel is due to be published later this month in paperback and as an ebook on Amazon Kindle.  


Joan Fallon is a writer and novelist living in Spain.